by John Emes, London 1802, of urn-form with twin reeded handles and a stepped circular foot, engraved with bands of Greek Key and two coats of arms. 33cm high, 49.7 troy ounces
by John Emes, London 1802, of urn-form with twin reeded handles and a stepped circular foot, engraved with bands of Greek Key and two coats of arms. 33cm high, 49.7 troy ounces
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Auction: SPRING FINE SALE, 27th Mar, 2025
Our highly anticipated Spring two-day auction, on March 26th and 27th, presents a diverse and exceptional array of antiques. Day one features a remarkable single-owner collection of Royal Worcester porcelain, alongside an extensive and impressive 19th Century Meissen dinner service, estimated at £5,000-£7,000. Day two focuses on silver, jewellery, and watches. Highlights include a Paul Storr silver canteen of hourglass pattern flatware, estimated at £4,000-£6,000, and a gentleman’s collection of silver. In the jewellery section, a sapphire and old-cut diamond bangle, estimated at £2,000-£3,000, is a standout piece.
Monday 24th March 10am-4pm
Tuesday 25th March 10am-4pm
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